Tour de Kurpie

UCI, Vuelta por etapa, 12º -16º junio 2024, Polonia

GC Joven Puntos Meta volante Equipo

Pos Corredor EquipoUCI Tiempo
1 Pawlak TobiaszMazowsze Serce Polski4014:25:31
2 Habets JordanMetec-SOLARWATT p/b Mantel30+ 11
3 Banaszek NorbertMazowsze Serce Polski25+ 18
4 van Veenendaal HiddeMetec-SOLARWATT p/b Mantel20+ 22
5 van der Woude CasperMetec-SOLARWATT p/b Mantel15+ 26
6 Budzinski TomaszMazowsze Serce Polski10+ 26
7 Killy JonahXSpeed United Continental5+ 27
8 King MatthewXSpeed United Continental3+ 30
9 Tzortzakis PolychronisGreece3+ 31
10 Lowik RobinDiftar Continental Cycling Team3+ 32
11 Boúglas GeorgiosGreece+ 35
12 Ottema RickDiftar Continental Cycling Team+ 35
13 Kostanski MateuszVoster ATS Team+ 40
14 Peters MarvinDiftar Continental Cycling Team+ 42
15 Karl Adam KristofEpronex-Hungary Cycling Team+ 46
16 Orosz GergelyEpronex-Hungary Cycling Team+ 50
17 Risberg DavidSvealand Cycling Team+ 52
18 Persson OskarSvealand Cycling Team+ 52
19 Kaczorowski FranciszekKujawy Pomorze Cycling Team+ 55
21 Benedix AntonBerthold Rad Team+ 01:11
22 Keller PaulTeam Storck-Metropol Cycling+ 01:14
23 Franz ToniTeam Storck-Metropol Cycling+ 01:18
24 Kmets OleksiyPower of Science RK Excl.Doors+ 01:18
25 Bozzola MirkoQ36.5 Continental Cycling Team+ 01:50
26 Huitema JasperDiftar Continental Cycling Team+ 02:22
27 Drakos NikolaosGreece+ 04:33
28 Bernas PawelMazowsze Serce Polski+ 04:37
29 Olszar AntoniVoster ATS Team+ 04:41
30 Sowinski ArturVoster ATS Team+ 04:45
31 Doyle LeoXSpeed United Continental+ 05:07
32 Murias JakubVoster ATS Team+ 05:40
33 Maslak PiotrVoster ATS Team+ 05:42
34 Arvanitou NikiforosGreece+ 05:45
35 Tijssen ViegoMetec-SOLARWATT p/b Mantel+ 05:54
36 Sek IgorKujawy Pomorze Cycling Team+ 06:01
37 Piciu Mattew-DenisMentorise MLM Superstars+ 06:03
38 Kolakowski DariuszTTS.COACH SPICA SOLUTIONS+ 06:03
39 Gonczy GergoEpronex-Hungary Cycling Team+ 06:04
40 Vaidian IustinMentorise MLM Superstars+ 06:08
41 Dobrin IoanMentorise MLM Superstars+ 06:09
42 Harter LucaBerthold Rad Team+ 06:13
43 Hrenko NorbertKarcag Cycling+ 06:15
44 Filutas ViktorKarcag Cycling+ 06:15
45 Slawek DamianPower of Science RK Excl.Doors+ 06:16
46 Rozsa BalazsEpronex-Hungary Cycling Team+ 06:18
47 Clauss MarcTeam Storck-Metropol Cycling+ 06:20
48 Moldansky Gerhard-CristinMentorise MLM Superstars+ 06:20
49 Latkowski DawidKujawy Pomorze Cycling Team+ 06:24
50 Rajtak MateuszTTS.COACH SPICA SOLUTIONS+ 06:26
51 Munzer JanTeam Storck-Metropol Cycling+ 06:35
52 Karpati BalintKarcag Cycling+ 06:38
53 Dolak KamilKS Pogon Mostostal Pulawy+ 06:47
54 Reinderink JorisMetec-SOLARWATT p/b Mantel+ 06:48
55 Wlodarczyk IgorKujawy Pomorze Cycling Team+ 06:58
56 Sokol AntoniKujawy Pomorze Cycling Team+ 06:58
57 Nielsen MaxSvealand Cycling Team+ 06:59
58 Persmeen AxelSvealand Cycling Team+ 06:59
59 Borgström JohanSvealand Cycling Team+ 07:03
60 Banaszek AlanMazowsze Serce Polski+ 07:08
61 Haro StevenBialini Gomola CCN+ 07:18
62 Rouffaer LarsDiftar Continental Cycling Team+ 07:24
63 Alickun EduardPower of Science RK Excl.Doors+ 07:26
64 Kucharski MichalTTS.COACH SPICA SOLUTIONS+ 07:34
65 Portello AlessioQ36.5 Continental Cycling Team+ 07:51
66 Schönenberger DanielQ36.5 Continental Cycling Team+ 07:52
67 Kars HugoDiftar Continental Cycling Team+ 07:57
68 Hoppe ArneTeam Storck-Metropol Cycling+ 08:27
69 Solymosi MartonKarcag Cycling+ 08:39
70 Craciunu DariusMentorise MLM Superstars+ 08:49
71 van der Horst DennisEpronex-Hungary Cycling Team+ 08:49
72 Konings RoanMetec-SOLARWATT p/b Mantel+ 08:51
73 Nagy Bendeguz MatyasKarcag Cycling+ 08:58
74 Bierkens TimEpronex-Hungary Cycling Team+ 09:13
75 Grzempa JanPower of Science RK Excl.Doors+ 09:24
76 Kaczmarek JakubMazowsze Serce Polski+ 09:34
77 Schubert PatrickTeam Storck-Metropol Cycling+ 09:40
78 Gätzi CyrillQ36.5 Continental Cycling Team+ 09:50
79 Liedtke LarsBerthold Rad Team+ 10:00
80 More-Gosselin Oliver MarkKarcag Cycling+ 10:00
81 Sztuka MarcinTTS.COACH SPICA SOLUTIONS+ 10:04
82 Santos TiagoQ36.5 Continental Cycling Team+ 10:31
83 Dobbins MattiXSpeed United Continental+ 11:25
84 Parma KrzysztofVoster ATS Team+ 11:58
85 El Khanji NilsBerthold Rad Team+ 14:49
86 Orjuela Daniel FelipeBialini Gomola CCN+ 15:02
87 Janowski LukaszTTS.COACH SPICA SOLUTIONS+ 15:03
88 Walters RedXSpeed United Continental+ 20:36
89 Braulinski MichalPower of Science RK Excl.Doors+ 22:13
90 Kij PiotrKS Pogon Mostostal Pulawy+ 22:44
91 Chrzastowski AntoniKS Pogon Mostostal Pulawy+ 23:30
92 Olejniczak DavidXSpeed United Continental+ 26:41
93 Ballen Juan EstebanBialini Gomola CCN+ 29:42
94 Bartkowski KacperKS Pogon Mostostal Pulawy+ 30:23
DNF Thönnissen LeoBerthold Rad Team
DNF Cardona Lopez SantiagoBialini Gomola CCN
DNF Hernandez NicolasBialini Gomola CCN
DNF Penagos EmanuelBialini Gomola CCN
DNF Douzas DionisyosGreece
DNF Zeglis NikolaosGreece
DNF Kurek WiktorKujawy Pomorze Cycling Team
DNF Florea Andrei-CristianMentorise MLM Superstars
DNF Potucha MaciejPower of Science RK Excl.Doors
DNF Ferm JesperSvealand Cycling Team
Pos Corredor Equipo Tiempo
1 Killy JonahXSpeed United Continental 14:25:58
2 Peters MarvinDiftar Continental Cycling Team + 14:25:46
3 Kaczorowski FranciszekKujawy Pomorze Cycling Team + 14:25:59
4 Keller PaulTeam Storck-Metropol Cycling + 14:26:18
5 Bozzola MirkoQ36.5 Continental Cycling Team + 14:26:54
6 Huitema JasperDiftar Continental Cycling Team + 14:27:26
7 Drakos NikolaosGreece + 14:29:37
8 Maslak PiotrVoster ATS Team + 14:30:46
9 Arvanitou NikiforosGreece + 14:30:49
10 Tijssen ViegoMetec-SOLARWATT p/b Mantel + 14:30:58
11 Sek IgorKujawy Pomorze Cycling Team + 14:31:05
12 Piciu Mattew-DenisMentorise MLM Superstars + 14:31:07
13 Dobrin IoanMentorise MLM Superstars + 14:31:13
14 Harter LucaBerthold Rad Team + 14:31:17
15 Latkowski DawidKujawy Pomorze Cycling Team + 14:31:28
16 Karpati BalintKarcag Cycling + 14:31:42
17 Dolak KamilKS Pogon Mostostal Pulawy + 14:31:51
18 Reinderink JorisMetec-SOLARWATT p/b Mantel + 14:31:52
19 Wlodarczyk IgorKujawy Pomorze Cycling Team + 14:32:02
20 Sokol AntoniKujawy Pomorze Cycling Team + 14:32:02
21 Nielsen MaxSvealand Cycling Team + 14:32:03
22 Persmeen AxelSvealand Cycling Team + 14:32:03
23 Borgström JohanSvealand Cycling Team + 14:32:07
24 Rouffaer LarsDiftar Continental Cycling Team + 14:32:28
25 Portello AlessioQ36.5 Continental Cycling Team + 14:32:55
26 Schönenberger DanielQ36.5 Continental Cycling Team + 14:32:56
27 Kars HugoDiftar Continental Cycling Team + 14:33:01
28 Hoppe ArneTeam Storck-Metropol Cycling + 14:33:31
29 Craciunu DariusMentorise MLM Superstars + 14:33:53
30 Konings RoanMetec-SOLARWATT p/b Mantel + 14:33:55
31 Nagy Bendeguz MatyasKarcag Cycling + 14:34:02
32 Gätzi CyrillQ36.5 Continental Cycling Team + 14:34:54
33 Liedtke LarsBerthold Rad Team + 14:35:04
34 More-Gosselin Oliver MarkKarcag Cycling + 14:35:04
35 Santos TiagoQ36.5 Continental Cycling Team + 14:35:35
36 El Khanji NilsBerthold Rad Team + 14:39:53
37 Orjuela Daniel FelipeBialini Gomola CCN + 14:40:06
38 Kij PiotrKS Pogon Mostostal Pulawy + 14:47:48
39 Chrzastowski AntoniKS Pogon Mostostal Pulawy + 14:48:34
40 Olejniczak DavidXSpeed United Continental + 14:51:45
41 Ballen Juan EstebanBialini Gomola CCN + 14:54:46
47 Thönnissen LeoBerthold Rad Team + -1:59:33
43 Cardona Lopez SantiagoBialini Gomola CCN + -1:59:33
44 Hernandez NicolasBialini Gomola CCN + -1:59:33
49 Penagos EmanuelBialini Gomola CCN + -1:59:33
42 Douzas DionisyosGreece + -1:59:33
46 Kurek WiktorKujawy Pomorze Cycling Team + -1:59:33
48 Florea Andrei-CristianMentorise MLM Superstars + -1:59:33
45 Ferm JesperSvealand Cycling Team + -1:59:33
Pos Corredor Equipo Puntos
1 Pawlak TobiaszMazowsze Serce Polski 66
2 Karl Adam KristofEpronex-Hungary Cycling Team 54
3 Huitema JasperDiftar Continental Cycling Team 48
4 Banaszek NorbertMazowsze Serce Polski 46
5 Arvanitou NikiforosGreece 45
6 Boúglas GeorgiosGreece 44
7 Benedix AntonBerthold Rad Team 43
8 Kostanski MateuszVoster ATS Team 37
9 Konings RoanMetec-SOLARWATT p/b Mantel 32
10 van Veenendaal HiddeMetec-SOLARWATT p/b Mantel 29
11 Franz ToniTeam Storck-Metropol Cycling 29
12 Bozzola MirkoQ36.5 Continental Cycling Team 29
13 Harter LucaBerthold Rad Team 29
14 Rouffaer LarsDiftar Continental Cycling Team 27
15 Kaczorowski FranciszekKujawy Pomorze Cycling Team 26
16 Doyle LeoXSpeed United Continental 25
17 Peters MarvinDiftar Continental Cycling Team 22
18 Habets JordanMetec-SOLARWATT p/b Mantel 21
19 Drakos NikolaosGreece 19
20 Lowik RobinDiftar Continental Cycling Team 18
21 Sowinski ArturVoster ATS Team 18
22 Orosz GergelyEpronex-Hungary Cycling Team 17
23 Gonczy GergoEpronex-Hungary Cycling Team 14
24 Dobbins MattiXSpeed United Continental 12
25 Latkowski DawidKujawy Pomorze Cycling Team 10
26 Haro StevenBialini Gomola CCN 10
27 van der Woude CasperMetec-SOLARWATT p/b Mantel 9
28 Budzinski TomaszMazowsze Serce Polski 9
29 Wlodarczyk IgorKujawy Pomorze Cycling Team 9
30 King MatthewXSpeed United Continental 5
31 Slawek DamianPower of Science RK Excl.Doors 5
32 Clauss MarcTeam Storck-Metropol Cycling 5
33 Portello AlessioQ36.5 Continental Cycling Team 5
34 Maslak PiotrVoster ATS Team 4
35 Karpati BalintKarcag Cycling 4
36 Tzortzakis PolychronisGreece 3
37 Murias JakubVoster ATS Team 3
38 Kolakowski DariuszTTS.COACH SPICA SOLUTIONS 3
39 Ottema RickDiftar Continental Cycling Team 2
40 Hrenko NorbertKarcag Cycling 2
41 Risberg DavidSvealand Cycling Team 1
42 Bierkens TimEpronex-Hungary Cycling Team 1
